Thiết bị phân tích khí đốt, khí thải_E- Instruments_Model E8500
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Hãng sản xuất: E-instruments

Portable Emissions Analyzer Selection Guide
The E8500 Plus is the most powerful and advanced portable emissions analyzer on the market, and is a complete, portable tool for EPA compliance–level emissions monitoring of boilers, engines, and other combustion equipment.
- Up to 9 Gas Sensors: O2, CO, NO, NO2, SO2, H2S (Electrochemical), CO2, CxHy Hydrocarbons, High CO (NDIR), VOC (PID)
- Low NOx and “True” NOx Measurements
- Built–in Thermoelectric Chiller with Automatic Condensate Removal
- Software for Real–Time Data Logging, Graphing, and Reporting with unlimited memory
- Blue Tooth Wireless Communications
- CO Dilution Auto–Range for Measurements up to 20,000ppm
- Automatic Long–Term Monitoring & Data Logging
- Enhanced Internal Memory (2000 Tests)
- Sample Conditioning Unit for Low NOx & SO2 Measurements
- Bluetooth Wireless Remote Printer
- Long Life Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery
- High Temperature Probes with Sintered Filter
- Stack Gas Velocity with Pitot Tube
- Temperature & Pressure Measurements
- CO2%, Efficiency, & Excess Air Calculations
- Light Weight, Durable, & Easy to Transport Design with Easy Filter Access
- Complies with USEPA CTM-030 & CTM-034 test methods